Professional Services
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMech)
Editor-in-Chief (EiC), 2008 - present
EiC-Elect, 2007
Technical Editor, 1995-1999
Guest Editor, August 2006, June 2002, June 2000, June 1997
- IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
General Co-chairman,
IEEE/ASME AIM’97, June 16-20, Tokyo, Japan
General Chair, IEEE/ASME
AIM’99, September 20-24, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Program Chair, IEEE/ASME
AIM2005, July 24–28, Monterey, California, USA
Publicity Chair, IEEE/ASME AIM2007, September 4-7, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
ASME Liaison, 1997 - present
AIM Advisory Committee Co-Chair
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Associate Editor, 1994–1998
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Associate Editor, 1994–1996
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
IEEE Transactions on utomation Science and Engineering (TASE), Associate Editor, 2003–2005
TASE Proposal Committee, 2002-2003; New Transactions Exploratory Committee, 2001–2002
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA1993 Local Arrangement Committee Chairperson
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA2005 Kayamori Best Paper Award Committee Chair
IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS2006 Program Co-chair
- ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD)
Technical Committee (TC) on Mechatronics
Award Committee Chair on Best Paper in Mechatronics (2006-2008)
TC Chair (2009)
Past Chair (2010)
Honors and Awards
2011 “Most Practical SHM Solution for Civil
Infrastructures” Award, IWSHM2011
2006 ISCIE/ASME ISFA2006 Best Paper Award (Theory)
2000 IEEE ICRA Kayamori Best Paper Award
1994 Best Paper Award - The 4th Annual CIMAT Conference, RPI.
1994 Woodruff Faculty Fellow
1992 Invention Club of America New Technology Award
1989 NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
1989 Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Junior Faculty Award
As advisor for the following best student paper awards:
- 1992 Best Student Paper in SME Applied Vision ‘92 (Janakiraman, Shanker)
- 1993 SAIC Best MS Student Paper Award (Scheuring, Joseph F. III )
- 1994 SAIC Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award (Zhou, Zhi)
- 1994 Sigma Xi Best MS Thesis Award (Scheuring, Joseph F. III)
- 1999 SAIC Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award (Garner, Harry)
- 2001 SAIC Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award (Wei, Zhiyong)
- 2003 SAIC Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award (Yin, Xuecheng)
- 2005 IEEE/ASME AIM2005 Best Student Paper Award (Li, Qiang)
- 2010 DSCD Best Student Conference Paper Award on
Mechatronics (Liu, Fangfang)